Features - Slab Layouts & Inventory

QuickQuote can calculate the minimum number of slabs you'll need for a given job based on the area of the countertops and splashes you're quoting and the size of the slabs in that product.  Or if you want a more precise count, you can actually create the slab layout yourself:

A sample slab layout created in QuickQuote


If you have an image of the slab, you can use it to get a better idea of how to position the countertops and splashes to get the most out of your material.

An example of a slab layout with an image created in QuickQuote


Lists, Labels & Barcodes

The slab inventory in QuickQuote gives you a place to keep and maintain a list of the slabs and remnant pieces you have on hand. They can be added in batches, have images set for them, and can be assigned to quotes via the slab layout feature. In addition, you can print labels for them with Code 128 barcodes or QR Codes on them.

An example 2D barcode and QR code in QuickQuote